Title: Kumba Iron Ore Report Published: 03 June 2015
Summary: This latest report by the Bench Marks Foundation and the Bench Marks Centre for CSR at the North-West University, entitled: “Floating or Sinking” – Social Licence to Operate (SLO): Kumba Iron Ore Limited is very significant as it marks the 10th publication of our uniquely instrumental and effective Policy Gap series of studies focussing on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development related issues in the Southern African mining sector. ….
- Overview of Policy Gap 10
- Basic rights for communities surrounding Sishen Mine are lacking
- Dingleton relocation severely affecting community
- Employee’s perceptions and anti racism programmes essential to of Kumba Iron Ore’s sustainability
- Health issues plague areas around Kumba Iron Ore, Northern Cape
- Kumba Iron Ore needs to close the gap between money spent and its impact
- Kumba Iron Ore needs to proactively fix social, economic and environmental deterioration
- Militarisation of Kumba’s security unacceptable
- Unclear racial and gender composition within Kumba Iron Ore
- Vice Chancellor: Mines must make their environment a more sustainable place
- Women still treated as sex objects in the mining industry
- Flagship Kumba takes steps in the right direction but needs to do more
- Additional Kumba information