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11th February 2025

Useful Links


African Network for Social Accountability (ANSA) http:/www.ansa-africa.net
African Social Forum (ASF) http://www.africansocialforum.org
Collaborative Research on Corporations http:/www.crocodyl.org
Corpwatch http://www.corpwatch.org
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative http://www.eitransparency.org
Industrial Mission History Project http://www.industrialmissionhistory.org.uk
Mines and Communities http://www.minesandcommunities.org
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) http:/www.iisd.org/mmsd
Nederlands Instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika (NiZA) http://www.niza.nl
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre http://www.business-humanrights.org
The International Fatal Transactions Campaign http://fataltransactions.org
The Southern African Regional Poverty Networks http://www.sarpn.org.za
Third World Network http://www.twnside.org.sg
South African Council of Churches http://www.sacc.org.za

Campaigns – Mogading Community and Anglo Plats

The BMF has been involved in an undertaking by Anglo Plat to engage in a more meaningful way with the Magobading community in Limpopo to improve conditions in the community…

Mogading Community and Anglo Plats (52kb)

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed April 2010 between the Bench Marks Foundation and Anglo Platinum Limited…

A Memorandum of Understanding (1.6Mb)

Behaviour of Anglo Platinum Officials in Magobading Community Limpopo South Africa…

A Letter to Ms. Cynthia Carroll (148Kb)

On 15 March 2010 the relocated community of Magobading met in the relocated community hall to discuss some of the unhappiness caused by Anglo Platinum…

Magobading Meeting (1.96Mb)